

When: March 14, 2025

Time: Meet at 11AM on the North Side of TX Capitol, Rally begins at 11:30AM 

A piece of a pie cut away. PACT logo in center of pie. Around the edge of the plate it says “we want a piece of the pie, community attendant wages. Www.adaptoftexas.org”
Pie Day reminder, community attendants can’t live on crumbs

Keys to the Community for People with Disabilities:

• $20 Base Wage for Community Attendants

• Home and Community Based Service Programs 

• Housing – Affordable Accessible Integrated


For More Information Contact: Cathy Cranston, 512.650.6543, flacacata@aol.com. Or Bob Kafka, 512.431.4085, bobkafka10467@gmail.com

Group of people making signs at ADAPT headquarters
PACT members make signs for the rally at their Tuesday evening meeting.


To all concerned with Congressional Budget cuts:

ADAPT of Texas met with Jill Wyman, Central TX Regional Director, and Dylan Bricker, Deputy Regional Director,  of Senator Cornyn’s Staff in Austin.  We simultaneously met by phone with their office in D.C.The subject of the Federal Budget proposal to cut $800 billion in healthcare expenditures was the major topic of the meeting. People with disabilities will be the bearers of the cuts most surely through Medicaid if not Medicare and Social Security.Surprisingly, Jill, the senator’s policy director, stated that she had not heard of the plight of the Texans with disabilities and attendants who rely on Medicaid funded home and community based service programs for survival or work.

This is a call for action!  Senator Cornyn must hear individually from you! 
Give him your story! Make it personal! He must know what will happen to you if the Congress cuts these services. It is a  life and death decision!



We are providing points to address to assist with your letter if needed.  If you have any questions, please email me at ronniebonners@aol.com 

Free Our People! ADAPT/PACT Community Ron Cranston


Adapt of Texas & Superior Healthplan are collaborating for “Dancing with Superior Stars” An Initiative to engage adults with disabilities to prevent social isolation, make exercise fun, & provide preventive health information. 
“Dancing with Superior Stars”is a monthly celebration where community members can enjoy a snack, discuss advocacy, dance, & receive information on health resources. AIl welcome. NO CHARGE. The first 3 of 10 monthly parties will be on; Fridays March 28″h April 25th & May 30 Every party from 4p-6p. Post party hanging & encores encouraged.
ADAPT of Texas is located at 1100 S. IH 35 Austin, TX 78704 (access road). Served by the #7 & #20 buses. Info at adaptoftexas.orgor call Disabilty Rights Radio at 512-443-1852. Healthy snacks & drinks provided each month. A cake celebrating community members, anniversaries, & or disability history will be highlighted each month. DJ sets provided by DRR. Llive music, & or health presenters provided as well at each party.
Come & cut the rug, while we, “FREE OUR PEOPLE!” with healthy choices, free food & active conversation. DON’T MOURN ORGANIZE!


A pretty comprehensive look at the long fight that led up to the ADA. Lots of footage from the ADAPT history museum is featured and several ADAPTers share their take on the struggle. The various roles so many people played to make this happen shows the power of the people united, as well as the power of the pitchfork approach to advocacy. IN Austin it will air March 25 at 8pm.

To see the very exciting trailer just click on this link:


For more exciting actions, backgrounds, photos, articles and videos go to the ADAPT Museum www.adaptmuseum.net This is a work still in progress, but full of fascinating content you can enjoy!

For more information on ADAPT style organizing visit the Disability Organizing 101 and Beyond online manual.

The Wheels of Justice march to the Capitol to push Congress to pass the ADA. Photo: Tom Olin.

Don’t Mess With 504!

CTD, TARA ,TX Parent to Parent, Texas Advocates, AHA! Rev Up, Reach CIL, PACT, Mary Lee residents, E4 and folks from across the state joined ADAPT of Texas to call on Attorney General Paxton to stop his efforts to get Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 declared unconstitutional. Paxton, along with 16 other attorneys general filed a lawsuit that calls for 504 to be declared unconstitutional, a move that would strip rights from low income housing tenants, students with disabilities, health and human services clients, and others. Claiming they are only trying to get people with gender dysphoria from receiving protection under 504, the AGs never the less continue to call for the destruction of all of 504.This full-frontal attack on 504 was continued in a recent hearing for this case.

Recently the 504 rules were changed to include people with gender dysphoria, and to finally cover health and human service programs so that those entities that get federal funding can’t discriminate by having inaccessible facilities and/or programs and services that discriminate The details of these rules are fantastic and you should read them!

504 is the precursor to the ADA and much of the ADA follows 504, BUT 504 has some protections that aren’t covered by the ADA. Also, with Texas’ long record of attacking disability rights you can rest assured if they are able to dismantle 504, ADA and other laws will soon follow.

The crowd of almost 100 people in Austin spoke strongly at a press conference outside the Supreme Court Building and Capitol. In El Paso advocates from Desert ADAPT and others held a simultaneous press conference to underline the statewide concern about this problem. After the Austin press conference part of the group marched over to deliver our posters and signs to the attorney general himself. We were stopped in the lobby and eventually state police were called in, so we left but not before our message don’t mess with 504 had been loudly delivered.
we urge you to contact Attorney General Paxton and tell him to leave 504 alone.

Does your group need money? Cooperative Grassroots Fundraising Opportunity – Zoom information

ADAPT of Texas is holding its annual FUN RUN on Saturday February 15thfrom noon – 2pm.

This is not a traditional FUN RUN.  It is not a race.  Sponsored FUNRUNNERS go around a ¼ mile track

as many times they can in 1 hour.

If your group is signed up as a participating FUN RUN group, your group receives 75% of all funds collected by your runners.

ADAPT of Texas has a secure computer program that allows you to solicit funds via email or social media.

We will be having a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, January 14th at 2pm central  to further explain the opportunity to raise funds.

For more information: Ron Cranston   ronniebonners@aol.com

                                             Bob Kafka           bobkafka10467@gmail.com


For Immediate Release

For information:  Bob Kafka bobkafka10467@gmail.com

Subject:  ADAPT of Texas Demands HHS Commissioner Young Take Action on Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

Members of ADAPT of Texas will, on Thursday October 31st at 2:30pm at 4601 West Guadalupe, drop off a list of demands to rectify the “HORROR” people with disabilities and older Texans are experiencing in repairing and acquiring DME, like wheelchairs, walkers and other critical equipment we need to live in the community. 

This is no joke. It is unacceptable HHS fails to realize or care the impact loss of this equipment has on Texans real lives.

“People are stuck at home or sometimes in bed for months because they can’t get their wheelchair fixed,” said Nancy Crowther ADAPT Organizer.

“We have seen increased medical conditions because Commissioner Young fails to act” said Ron Cranston longtime ADAPT of Texas Activist.

ADAPT of Texas has met with HHS with little concrete improvements.


visit www.adaptmuseum.net

On Oct 31, 2024, at 7:05 AM, Austin Free Press <contact@austinfreepress.org> wrote:

October 2024 ADAPT of Texas turns 40!

40 years of Disability Rights Activism – Into the Future of Empowerment

Please come join us to celebrate 4 decades (how did that happen?) of disability rights activism and help us take this legacy into a future of empowerment.

ADAPT Free Our People logo with person in a wheelchair breaking chains over their head

When: Saturday October 26th 3pm to 6 pm

Where: the ADAPT office 1100 S IH 35, Austin Texas — bus routes #7 & #20

Music from local disability musicians and our allies, delicious food, history videos and stories, great company, and a big surprise!

But it won’t be the same if you aren’t there with us, so please come!

RSVP to 512-442-0252 ronniebonners@aol.com

*Accommodations upon Request*

wheelchair person brain chained, wheelchair person breaking chains. This is your brain on ADAPT
ADA Violator sticker
black power fist with wheelchair warriors written below


Katz’s Deli     Fun*Run   We Will Ride    

Access Capital Metro, SunMetro, DART, VIA, METRO of Harris Co, APTA and more

Bomb or boombox under the blanket at CapMetro BOD meeting?

Anti EVV (Electronic Visit Verification)     Pay for spousal attendants  

Dallas Atlantis Office      Ride that Dirty Dog (Greyhound)       ABA/UBOA

Free Our People     Campaigns Access to City Parks Lifts on Dillos  

Our Homes not Nursing Homes         Close State Schools

Piss on Pity Campaign for delegating catheterization and toileting help

Wheelchair Santa at Armadillo Christmas Bazaar and various other locations

Rider 37 Campaign that started Money Follows the Person

Protesting Michael Hickson death from discrimination over COVID treatment

Masks and vaccines for community based service workers and customers

Justice for Justin – access to Commission of National Rehab. Services Admin’s bathroom

Take-over of Governor Richard’s Capitol Office and spending the night there

Threat of lawsuit for Campaign revealing nursing home profits in Texas

ADA lawsuit Campaign with Texas Civil Rights Project making over 200 local businesses comply

NUMEROUS sidewalk (and curb cut) campaigns       Pitchfork Approach to Advocacy brainchild

504 and Fair Housing Voluntary Compliance Agreement with HUD and the City

Visitability – first city in nation to adopt this for all new homes

Hitting THCA conventions and shutting down their office on Guadalupe

Adopt-A-Legislator Campaigns       SB1 Lemons   ACCESSIBLE Family Bathroom                     Hank’s Café      Starbucks

ADA Testing Campaign for local chains and businesses

Oral histories with Virginia Raymond

Angel Home Care campaign so agencies don’t “own” clients or attendants

Campaign $8      Campaign $10         Campaign $13     Campaign $15    Rai$e IT!

Bus Stop survey          Olmstead Activation/Implementation Campaign

Access to Voting actions   &    Disability Voting Action Project Where’s Governor Abbott?      It’s Immoral Campaign against cuts to Human

Tinsel town  Bassett Center access

Accessible pathway to Fountains and Cielo Vista malls and Wal-mart Transmountain

Dairy Queen Whataburger  Circle K Burger King Downtown 

La Gorda Los Torreados 

Turkey of the Year Housing at City Hall

Ascarate Park Occupy El Paso

State Center action My Medicaid Matters Coalition 

ADAPT and Resist Republican Vigil

Pizza Hut Billboard Vigil Sancho Claus

Actions at provider agencies

El Paso Independent School District to allow student with a disability to attend a school trip with the band.

What Else Happened in 1984?

AIDS-virus identified as HTLV-III (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Bopal Disaster

Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher sign declaration to transfer Hong Kong back to China in 1997

Supreme Court rules (5-4) that private use of home VCRs to tape TV programs for later viewing does not violate federal copyright laws

Karate Kid, Ghostbusters, 16 Candles, Footloose A Nightmare on Elm St, The Terminator, Beverly Hills Cop, Gremlins, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, The Killing Fields, The Year of Living Dangerously (Linda Hunt)

Born: Katy Perry, LeBron James, Scarlett Johansson, Prince Henry, Mark Zuckerberg, JD Vance

Apple Computer Inc unveils its revolutionary Macintosh personal computer

The Cosby Show” premieres, Murder She Wrote, Miami Vice, Nightcourt, Kate and Allie,

Bruce Springsteen‘s 7th studio album “Born in the USA” premiers

Prince releases “Purple Rain

“Let’s Go Crazy” by Prince Rogers Nelson and Revolution peaks at #1

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar breaks Wilt Chamberlain’s all-time career scoring record

Michael Jackson is burned during filming for Pepsi commercial

Indira Gandhi assassinated

AT&T’s 22 owned Bell system companies divest into 8 companies

NYC transit fare rises from 75 cents to 90 cents

Wilson Goode, sworn-in as Philadelphia’s 1st black mayor

Chuck Hull invented the 3D printer

NCAA announces that basketball tournament will have 64 teams

Rock band Van Halen release their most successful album “1984”

 Prince’s “Purple Rain” album goes #1 

“Where’s the Beef?” in commercial for Wendy’s hamburger chain

Trending styles: leggings, jean jackets, parachute pants, giant shoulder pads, fluffy hair

Hulk Hogan became WWF Champ for 1st of 6 times

LA Olympics held

California Supreme Court rejects the request of quadriplegic Elizabeth Bouvia’s to starve herself to death in a public hospital

Supreme Court rules (5-4) that private use of home VCRs to tape TV programs for later viewing does not violate federal copyright laws

Teenage Mutant Nija Turtles introduced in comic

TV shows: Dallas, Dynasty,

Regan elected to 2nd term

US Senate rejects amendment to permit spoken prayer in public schools

Britain & China initial agreement return Hong Kong to China in 1997

NFL owners passed the infamous anti-celebrating rule

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar breaks Wilt Chamberlain’s all-time career scoring record 

IBM releases PC DOS version 3.0

Republican convention in Dallas

Tina Turner’s 1st #1 “What’s Love Got to Do With It”

Jerry Lewis‘ 19th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises $32,074,566

First episode of daily syndicated TV game show of “Jeopardy!” with Alex Trebek as host

Papa John’s Pizza is founded

US Vice Presidential candidates’ debate – Geraldine Ferraro (D) and George H. W. Bush (R), in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Desmond Tutu, South African Anglican Archbishop, wins Nobel Peace Prize

SETI Institute (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) is founded.

McDonald’s makes its 50 billionth hamburger

“Do They Know It’s Christmas” sung for Band Aid

Bernhard Goetz shoots 4 black muggers on NYC subway train

Madonna‘s “Like a Virgin” single goes #1

Disability Voting Rights Week Celebration

Over 200 disabled Texans and allies celebrated with REv Up Texas in Austin as well as 10 other sites from the Valley to El Paso and Lubbock to Dallas to Beaumont. Houston had the largest group but the enthusiasm for voting was high across the state. The League of Women Voters addressed the crowds, Disability Rights Texas spoke about our rights and how to enforce them, REV UP leaders talked about the importance of the disability vote and addressing our issues. People registered to vote, if they weren’t already, and committed to vote and get 5 other people to vote. If everyone there can meet these commitments that’s over 1200 votes, and judging by the enthusiasm those numbers will be even higher.


The second Thursday of every month ADAPT of Texas holds our big meeting from 3:00 to 5:00 pm at our office at 1100 South IH 35 (access road). This location is served by the #7 and #20 buses. Come on down and join us and find out what happening and how you can be involved.

You never know who is going to show up at ADAPT. That’s Senator Harkin, main sponsor of the ADA, at the back of the big group.