Good Afternoon ADAPT Members, Disability Rights Advocates, Supporters of Disability Rights and Community Attendant Rights for Wage Justice,
We realize you have called before but we need you to call again. The Budget Bill has now passed on the Senate side. Now the bill will go to Conference Committee.
There will be members from the House and Senate on the Conference Committee. It is so important that we keep the pressure up on the key point legislators. They will make the decision on what goes forward.
Now is the time to continue pressure on the State Legislative Decision Makers. We are headed in the right direction with the wage, but we must continue pushing them to a $15/hour base wage.
Senate Finance Chairwoman Huffman at: 512-463-0117
Senator Kolkhorst, Article 2, at 512-463-0118
House Appropriations Chairman Bonnen at 512-463-0729
Representative Jacey Jetton, Article 2, at 512-463-0710
House Speaker Phelan, 512-463-1000
Lt. Governor Patrick, 512-463-0001
Call & Ask for their Budget Person & Tell Them to Raise the Base Wage for Community Attendants to $15/HR. Nothing Less Will Do!
If you have any questions, please contact Cathy or Nancy Crowther
Thank you.
Free Our People!
Community Attendants Equal Independence!
Cathy Cranston and Nancy Crowther
ADAPT of Texas/Personal Attendant Coalition of Texas
1100 S. IH 35
Austin, TX 78704
O# 512.442.0252