Who: National ADAPT What: Rally When: Wednesday, May 11th starting at 10AM. Where: U.S. Capitol Grounds area 12 (Between Constitution Ave N.W., Pennsylvania Ave N.W., 1st St. N.W. and 3rd St N.W.) For More information: Nina Bakoyiannis ninabakoyiannis@gmail.com Misty Dion misty.m.dion@gmail.com www.nationaladapt.org |
Washington, D.C.- National ADAPT, the nation’s largest grassroots disability rights activist organization, closes out their action week by hosting a rally on U.S. Capitol grounds to demand the Senate immediately prioritize the needs of the disability community. While the House and Senate are busy supporting the legalization of medical-assisted suicide for disabled individuals, activists across the country remind the government that they are DISABLED not DISPOSABLE, and that they have lives worthy of living. National ADAPT is fighting for the right for disabled individuals to live in the community with the services and supports needed, NOT be forced into an untimely death because of an underfunded long-term system that leaves disabled individuals with few options. National ADAPT demands the Senate:
- * The expansion of Home and Community Based Services to increase access, quality, and uniformity nationwide so people with disabilities can live independently in the community.
- * Increased wages for community attendant workers to ensure a livable wage.
- * An expansion of affordable, accessible, integrated housing development and rent subsidy programs targeting low- and moderate-income people with disabilities, especially people who receive HCBS services.
- * Stop the unnecessary and dangerous overuse of guardianships and assure the least restrictive mandates of Olmstead are enforced. Guardians must allow access to federal community services under ADA.
- * Support H. Con. Res. 68, a resolution that highlights the terrible consequences of legalizing assisted suicide.
ADAPT organizer Nina Bakoyiannis from the Downstate New York chapter says, “It is the greatest act of violence to attempt to legalize our deaths while restricting access to basic services that keep us alive. All we have been asking for is the right to personal attendant services, an accessible place to live, and a livable wage for our workers. The Senate has made their prioritizes abundantly clear. It’s time for them to do the right thing and invest in our lives and our services, not our deaths.”