Sad News

ADAPT of Texas has lost two dear friends last week. Tim Thornton of the Denver area was a tried and true friend to all of the ADAPT network who supported us all during national actions as well as in between. Former Co-Director of Atlantis Tim left to start an attendant services agency of his own. He went the extra mile for everyone, was ready to do whatever needed to be done from wheelchair repair, to attendant services, to picking up a hundred hamburgers and sneaking them into an occupied office, to whatever the moment might call for. Such a gentle, friendly, warm person he leaves a huge hole.

Closer to home, Gene Rodgers also passed away last week. Gene was an ADAPTer from way back in the early days of Wade and the buses. When he moved to Austin he got right involved with our group, and although his busy life kept taking him away he would return and pitch in where he could. He covered our issues on the Gene and Dave show, made funny videos to carry the point with humor, testified at the Capitol and was willing to use his personal story to put a face to the need for more attendants and for better wages. Just this fall and winter he was featured in lengthy articles on these subjects. But, as Gene tells in his book Awesome by Accident, he had tons of other fascinating adventures. He was determined to live life to the fullest. David Dauber made this beautiful tribute to Gene; Click here for the tribute.

Bob Kafka, on his radio show/podcast Barrier Free Futures, interviewed Gene about his life and book: click here to hear the show.

Raise It! $15/hour for attendants

Leprechaun sitting in wheelchair smoking a pipe with clover shaped smoke.

 Without Community Attendants This Leprechaun Ain’t Got No Luck!             

RAI$E IT! $15


Call Senate Finance Chairwoman Huffman at: 512-463-0370

Call House AppropriationsChairman Bonnen at: 512-463-1091

Tell them to raise the base wage for Community Attendants to $15/Hr.

Nothing Less Will Do!

ADAPT /PACT * 1100 South IH 35 * Austin, Texas 78704 * 512 442 0252


​Cathy Cranston * *512-650-6543

Nancy Crowther * *512-808-7486

ADAPT if Texas members wore their leprechaun hats and green outfits to deliver tins of green M&Ms with the message “Raise It $15” printed on each M&M.


ADAPT of Texas was down at the Capitol on Tuesday to tell Senate Finance Committee members it is ludicrous to think they will have any attendants in 2024-2025 if they don’t raise the wages from the pathetic $8.11 they have in their budget plans. HHSC didn’t ask for one more cent for attendant wages, Abbott didn’t either. There will be no community based services if this keeps up. Almost everyone who spoke talked about raising the wages to $15 per hour (and that will be low by 2025). They have a huge surplus of money this year but apparently no plans to support community services. People shared their struggles trying to find workers today and their horror of being forced into a nursing home. Next Tuesday will be the House Appropriations hearing on the same subject. But legislators need to hear from you — their constituents about why they need to raise these wages to at least $15/hr. If they don’t… the picture looks grim.

Public Housing on Chicon opens Wait list

The waitlist is NOW OPEN for the efficiency and one-bedroom apartment at Salina 1138 Chicon St in east Austin! Applications must be submitted before the waitlist closes on November 15th at 5pm. Learn more and apply at

Housing Authority of the City of Austin

Image of a orange sign saying Yes! The Wait List is Open.  O of open is the Austin Housing Authority (HACA) logo.

The waitlist is NOW OPEN for the efficiency and one-bedroom apartment at Salina in east Austin! Applications must be submitted before the waitlist closes on November 15th at 5pm. Learn more and apply at


For Immediate Release                                                            September 19, 2022                                                                                      Contact:
Rhoda Gibson,, (617)504-1792Colleen Flannigan,, (617) 435-0486Gina Barabra,, (516)318-9460,  ADAPT Descends on D.C. to Fight for Our Lives
September 17-22, 2022, National ADAPT will be peacefully assembling in D.C. to continue fighting for the civil and human rights of disabled people.  For 30 years we have been demanding Congress recognizes our right to live in integrated housing, increase funding to expand and make permanent, the Money Follows the Person (MFP) demonstration project, which provides funding for home and community-based services (HCBS), and livable wages for our personal care attendants.  32 years after the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act the freedom of people with disabilities continues to be denied.  People with disabilities continue to be forced to beg for the freedom that others take for granted.  People with disabilities still don’t have the right to get care in their own homes.  Public access is not a right that people with disabilities are allowed to fully enjoy. ADAPT is gathering in D.C. to peacefully yet assertively DEMAND that the Congress stop ignoring us and TAKE ACTION NOW to FINALLY Free Our People.  To follow National ADAPT throughout the week and to see how you can be part of the action, visit: or follow us on social media by going to our LinkTree, and be on the lookout for announcements throughout the week.  

 About ADAPTADAPT is a national grass-roots community that organizes disability rights activists to engage in nonviolent direct action, including civil disobedience, to assure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities to live in freedom. 

Fighting for Our Lives!

National ADAPT is headed back to DC September 17th – 23rd to fight for disability rights and services. ADAPT’s fearless warriors will tackle various powerbrokers who should be doing more to enhance the rights and services of people with disabilities. Keep your eyes peeled here, on our ADAPT of Texas Facebook page, on National ADAPT Facebook page and in various other spots in the social media because doubtless, amazing stories will unfold! More details to come…


The Texas Disability Issues Forum (TDIF) is back for the 2022 midterm elections! Join us Monday September 19, 2022 in Austin to find out what major party candidates have to say on your most pressing issues, from healthcare to elections to education, and more!

To register click on this link

Candidates for Governor, Lt Governor, Attorney General and this year for the first time, Agriculture Commissioner will share their positions on disability issues.

Want to be a part of the action? Volunteer slots are still needed! Call Cathy at 512-442-0252. TDIF wants you to be prepared to cast your ballot in November, so they’re providing multiple ways to learn about the candidates and their stances on issues of interest to Texans with disabilities. Whether you want to be in the room when it happens, be a part of the event, or do some reading on your own time, they’ve got you covered.

Welcome the season of disability rights

10 ft tall wheelchair painted blue and yellow with the ADAPT Free Our People logo on the back of the seat.  It's in front of the ADAPT of TX office.
Robin Nanette Jones-Hoffpauir decorated our first wheelchair statue. It got stolen. Paul Beasley built our 10 foot chair so it was too hard to steal. People broke it. Dean Carlton (Belinda Carlton’s Dean) rebuilt it to its former glory. Now Jessi Bostad has emblazoned it with our logo! ADAPT will not be kept down. FREE OUR PEOPLE! WE WILL RIDE! OUR HOMES NOT NURSING HOMES! COMMUNITY ATTENDANTS = INDEPENCE! ACCESS NOT EXCUSES! ACCESSIBLE AFFORDABLE INTEGRATED HOUSING! NOTHING ABOUT US WITHOUT US! ACCESS IS A CIVIL RIGHT!

We are entering the season of disability rights. One of them anyway. June 22nd marks the 23rd anniversary of the Olmstead decision where the supreme court said people with disabilities have the right to services in the most integrated setting. Thank you Lois Curtis and Elaine Wilson (the plaintiffs). And just one month later, July 26th, is the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We haven’t made it all the way but we need to celebrate how far we have come.

Don’t Dis the Vote Texas Premier

 A short video and discussion designed to outreach and

build the Power of the Disability Vote.

Sat  June 11th 3pm – 5pm 1300 Lavaca Austin, Texas

Family Life Center of the United Methodist Church

ASL Interpreter provided  Snacks and Beverages

Bus lines #7 #20 #803

Y’all Come 

Disability Vote Zoom Summit – Breaking Down Barriers to the Ballot


June 29 – 30, 2022, 1:00-4:00pm ET  |  Virtual  |  ASL, CART, Spanish

Click here to Register Today

The summit takes place Wednesday and Thursday June 29-30, 2022 from1:00pm – 4:00pm ET. All the sessions will be virtual, streamed through Zoom, and free to all. We hope you’ll register to join us! 

Join disability and voting advocates for a 2-day virtual summit focused on getting out the disability vote in 2022. Summit speakers will come from disability, voting, and civil rights advocacy communities across the country. This summit will include breakout sessions on: Why We Vote: Centering the Issues Making Elections More Accessible Partnering for Success Protecting Voting Rights and Access Making Voting Outreach More Accessible Motivating Disabled Voters in 2022
This event is free to all and will include ASL interpretation, English and Spanish captions, and Spanish audio translation. If you require any other accommodations, please email Jack Rosen at with “Vote Summit — Accommodations Request” in the subject line.
The 2022 Disability Vote Summit is co-hosted by the REV UP Voting Campaign at the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN), and the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NAACD).