Diversify Austin Job & Resource Virtual Fair

The Center for Disability Studies at The University of Texas at Austin and Amerigroup is hosting the 2nd annual Diversify Austin Job & Resource Fair on Wednesday 10/21/2020 11:00 am to 12:00 pm.  This event will be virtual and open to the public.  Join us for an exciting Zoom Panel where you will discover local resources and meet potential employers.  Please have the attendee register  To Register Click Here

Let’s Celebrate National Disability Awareness Month and explore your opportunities!

For ASL and captioning accommodations, please email tcdsut@gmail.com

Free In-Home COVID-19 Testing Available for People with Mobility Issues and Disabilities

Are you unable to leave your home to visit a COVID-19 test site? In-home testing is available for those considered high-risk of developing severe illness with COVID-19 without transportation, or who have a mobility impairment or other disabilities.  

To schedule free In Home test, call Austin Public Health at 512-972-5560 to schedule an appointment today.

Schedule a test if you can’t leave your home due to:

  • Mobility impairments
  • no transportation
  • underlying health issues.


La prueba del COVID19 encasa ya esta disponible! Si no puede salir de su casa debido a problemas de movilidad, problemas de salud subyacentes o no tiene transportacion, puede programar una prueba. Nosotros venimos a ti! Llame al 512-972-5560


ADAPT of Texas joined ADAPT folk from 30 other groups/city around the nation  Friday, October 2nd this afternoon to protest the Congress’ failure to include Home and Community Based Services in any of the CORONO Virus Relief packages.  Specifically we were protesting Senator Cornyn’s failure to support so far, so we went to his office (221 West 6th Street Austin) to demand Senator Cornyn support Health Care and  Home and Community Based Services for Texans with Disabilities.

A man in a wheelchair talks with a woman standing beside him on sidewalk A man in a power chair talks with a man with a VOTE facemask. A man with one arm in a red shirt talks with a guy in a tie dye shirt in a wheelchair.  They are in front of van with a Community Integration banner on its side. Two men in wheelchairs, one white and one black, wearing face masks, sit on the sidewalk Four people in masks and in their wheelchairs sit in front of plate glass windows of an office building.
















You can watch the hearing on ADAPT National’s website.  

In addition, the night before ADAPT folks were outside the US Capitol in the pouring rain doing a vigil and Congress woman Cortez (AOC) stopped by to visit and posted this video of the group! 


     SUPPORT THE COVID 19 SUPPORT PACKAGE (HERO’s Act) THAT INCLUDES: funding for HCBS, PPE’s, Community Attendants and housing supports;

     Make the MONEY FOLLOWS THE PERSON a Permanent Program;

     Support the Affordable Care Act and delay the Supreme Court appointment so the winner of the election can make the selection;

      Meet with ADAPT of Texas members to discuss the above demands.


As part of our protest, we were joined in with other ADAPT folks from around the nation, including a delegation who traveled to Washington DC to carry our message in person.  We joined up via the internet, Zoom and Facebook for a People’s Hearing on

30 years after the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Disabled Americans who need long term services and supports continue to be forced into unwanted institutionalization where they are stripped of their personal liberties. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, institutionalized people have been on the front line of casualties with massive loss of life happening behind the walls of institutions.

Far from inevitable, these peoples’ deaths were completely avoidable. People living in their own homes and controlling the services and supports that come into their homes including who comes in and out of their homes, how the people coming into their homes conduct themselves, and what types of precautions they use, are living while people with the same level of disability in institutions die.

Congress has the power to keep people safe and move people out of harm’s way by supporting home and community based services. ADAPT Calls on the United States Senate to take up the House HEROES Act a deliver REAL RELIEF to our states and people who are all suffering under the weight of pandemic.

Supporting home and community based services as part of COVID-19 relief includes:

▪ Funding for personal protective equipment for people receiving services in their homes and communities and the people helping them remain in their own homes

  • Funding for worker hazard, retention, and overtime pay.

▪ Help with funds to retain or obtain housing, including eviction and foreclosure protections and funds to stabilize markets and help people address payment concerns.

▪ Financial support for states so they can maintain and enhance community-based services, holding them harmless from the economic consequences associated with the pandemic.

Support for the Affordable Care Act, including Medicaid and Medicaid Expansion are critical to maintaining the health, well-being and community choice for hundreds of thousands of aging and disabled people. Any effort to erode support for the availability of health insurance coverage, including the Appointment of anti-ACA Justices to the Supreme Court, should be rebuffed.


This is a really big deal, nerdy as it might sound.  Filling out the census takes 5 minutes or less.  The census is what the feds use to count population to figure out how much money states, cities, etc. get for things like public transportation, public health care, community development (like sidewalk $ and more), education, roads, job training, school lunches and much more.  Over $400 Billion is spent on local communities by the numbers from the census.  It also helps design districts for US Congress reps and state legislative representatives and senators.   

Go to  my2020census.gov to respond online,

By phone: 

  • English (for 50 states and Washington, D.C.): 844-330-2020
  • Spanish (for 50 states and Washington, D.C.): 844-468-2020
  • TDD (Telephone Display Device): 844-467-2020
  • https://2020census.gov/en/ways-to-respond/responding-by-phone.html has more phone numbers for other languages.

Or mail. Go here for more details https://2020census.gov/en/ways-to-respond/responding-by-mail.html

Some people don’t really want you to be counted, which should make you want to be counted even MORE!  Because you do count, but not if you let them stop you.  

Here’s a little soap opera, Counting All My Children, that Rev Up made to encourage you to fill the Census out (Notice any actors you know?):

  A woman sits in a fancy room with a funny expression on her face. On the bottom you can see the captions and interpreter. click here for episode 1

A woman (Nicky Boyte) with green hair sits in the fancy room.  On the side you can see the captions and interpreter. This video is audio described.  Click here for episode 2

A man (Big Money Keith Lofton) dressed as a policeman stands in the doorway. On the bottom of the screen you can see the captions and the interpreter. click here for episode 3 


October 5th last day to register to vote in Nov 3rd Election

September 22 was national voter registration day and Rev Up held a live online event to share information on registering and voting. Below is a link to the edited version of the REV UP Texas Natl Voter Registration Day event. (The link is also on the REV UP Texas website.) Click this link to see the event which is about 30 mins.  

REVUP Texas: What You Need to Know to Vote

Remember October 5th is the last day to Register you want to vote on Nov 3rd.

People went to jail and even died for your right to vote, so use it.  If you aren’t already registered, step one is to register, and you can do that easily via Register2Vote.org Go to the site, fill out the form, they send you a registration card that is properly addressed and filled in.  All you have to do is sign it and drop the postage paid form in the mail. Do it soon because time is running out.  

Rev Up Texas website has information for voters with disabilities, including an accessible video interview with US Senate candidate MJ Hegar. Incumbent candidate Cornyn has been asked numerous times for an interview and if he ever responds they will post his interview as well (if you are a Cornyn supporter you can help by giving him a nudge, cause he has ignored all requests so far.)  They have lots of great videos on the site and tons of good information.  Check it out!!!  Questions?  You can contact them at: revuptx@gmail.com 512-431-4085

Monday October 5, 2020   is the deadline to register in Texas.

Early in person voting starts 10/13/20 and goes until 10/30/20.  To find a location near you the Secretary of State has a site VoteTexas.gov that will tell you where to vote closer to the election day.

Or go to your county clerk’s or election website. If you’re not from one of the places listed below just googling your county’s name elections should take you to the right place: 

Austin/Travis County       El Paso  

Houston/Harris County       Dallas

Fort Worth & Arlington     San Antonio 

Hildalgo County            Corpus Christi

Many of these sites will let you check if you are still registered, see a sample ballot and much more.  The Texas League of Women Voters also has tons of good information on races, voting, and much more including info for voters with disabilities! 

This year, 2020, is the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote.

ADAPT/PACT Participates in Celebration of Medicare’s 55th Birthday and Promotion of Medicaid Expansion in Medi-Caravan

Rear window of van with colorful writing that says Expand Medicaid and Medicare. Below is a bumper sticker that reads Honor thy mother, father, grandma, grandpa keep them out of nursing homes and the o of homes is the ADAPT free our people logo

photo by Cathy Cranston


ADAPT/PACT joined Texas Alliance for Retired Americans, Texans for Bernie 2020, Del Valle Community Coalition on the morning of July 30th to celebrate Medicare’s 55th birthday and to promote Medicaid expansion in Texas.

Thirty individuals and twenty-five vehicles attended the caravan. We all enjoyed decorating our vehicles to prepare for the caravan as we social distanced with our donned mask.

We drove from Huston-Tillotson University to the Governor’s Mansion then to the Capitol to send a message to Governor Abbott that Texans want Medicaid expansion.

Texas has the highest rate of uninsured adults and children in the country and this was our chance to advocate for all-inclusive HealthCare that covers everyone. We all had a great time honking loud and proud as we drove past the Governor’s Mansion and the Capitol several times. Upon finishing we returned to Huston-Tillotson and called it a day.


Healthcare For All!

Shout Out to Donors of PPE/Masks for Community Attendants 

multiracial crowd of various people wearing face masks

Personal Attendant Coalition of Texas (PACT), ADAPT of Texas (Austin), Desert ADAPT (El Paso) and Gulf Coast ADAPT (Houston) want to  thank the following individuals and organizations for their continued support in assisting us in obtaining PPE for our community:

Centene Corporation/Superior – Wade Rakes

Tabitha Taylor with the City of Austin

Austin Council Member Ann Kitchen – Ken Craig

Austin Council Member Kathie Tovo – Nici Huff

Austin Emergency Supply Foundation – Nashid Braswell

Amerigroup Healthplan – Stacy Barnett

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar – Susie Byrd

Committee of 100 – Justin Ho and Nyx He

We have sent the masks to community attendants that serve people with disabilities across all populations. We have (so far) mailed out approximately 5200 masks since April until now. 207 individuals have received the masks.

At the beginning of the pandemic, it was very difficult to find PPE for the essential workforce of Community Attendants.  The home care agencies had difficulties in obtaining the masks and gloves as we all were competing with the hospitals and institutions for the PPE. 

While some focus and concern moved to congregate living facilities like nursing homes and group homes, over time, there seemed almost no attention to the people in the community who face similar dangers, just in less public settings. 

We started this project because we found many community attendants were having to reuse their masks multiple times. Some home care agencies have been able to obtain the PPE, while many are still finding it difficult to obtain sufficient amounts of PPE.  

Thanks to the generous donations from our partners PACT and ADAPT of Texas are continuing to assist in minimizing the spread of COVID-19 and keep people with disabilities, seniors and their community attendants safer.Yoda with arms crossed and words saying Appreciate I do, Thank you


ATTENTION: Action Alert!

Call and/or email Senator Cornyn and Senator Cruz and staff and tell them:

Senator Cruz: Central Texas 512-916-5834; D.C. 202-224-5922
Click the link to email Cruz: https://www.cruz.senate.gov/?p=form&id=16
Senator Cornyn: Austin 512-469-6034; D.C. 202-224-2934
Click the link to email Cornyn: https://www.cornyn.senate.gov/contact

We need FUNDING in the New Relief bill for:
1. *Home and community-based services (HCBS)
*Tell them your personal story of the importance of HCBS also for our brothers and sisters that are relying on these services in order to get out of the death camps, nursing home and other institutions!

2. Hazard pay for Attendants. Protect Attendants from COVID-19

3. PPE absolutely necessary (mask and gloves) for essential workers, which includes personal attendants in the community

*SUPPORT – – HEROES ACT HR.6800: which supports a greater Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP)

*SUPPORT- – Section 202 of S.3544 that supports additional funding for Home and Community-Based Services and hazard pay for Attendants.

4. *SUPPORT- – S3740 and HR9651 COVID-19 Recovery for Seniors and People with Disabilities Act. Delay the implementation of the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirement for 6 months (after the end of the national public health emergency) in order to eliminate barriers to care in the home and keep people out of congregate settings. We all know that people with disabilities and Seniors are dying in the institutions due to the corona virus. Personal care services workers are already in a crisis shortage. By adding on EVV requirements, personal care service workers refuse to do this work. The law requires location information. WE refuse tracking them by GPS or biometrics.
*Tell them to help our people.
At the top is an attachment of a template of a letter you can email to the Senators as well as the Representatives asking for their support for the delay of EVV.
ADAPT is working with NCIL(National Council on Independent Living). Below is the link to the NCIL Alert from EVV section of website https://ncil.org/about-the-ncil-electronic-visit-verification-task-force/electronic-visit-verification-evv-call-to-action/
Thank you for taking action TODAY! Our lives depend on it!

Free Our People! Community Attendants Equal Independence!

Nancy Crowther Cathy Cranston