- Defend Don’t Defund Our Medicaid Services was the message of the mass protest at the Cannon House Office Building in 2011.
- John Hoffman, Bob and Barbara Tegtmeier, and Gil Casarez breakfast at the Free Our People March from Philadelphia to DC in 2009
- ADAPT holds giant message banner at 11th and Congress in front of the TX Capitol in Austin.
- It’s Time for the Community Choice Act was the message of the ADAPT protest in DC
- Desert ADAPTers demonstrate that Access is a Civil Right at El Paso Downtown Burger King.
- “We’re Not Cash Cows” ADAPTers chanted at the HMO conference in Washington DC
- TX ADAPT/Not Dead Yet members protest the “Wrongful Life” case heard by the Texas Supreme Court at Baylor University.
- Lee Sanders, JT and Jim Wise hold a banner outside the Texas Capitol Governor’s office for the occupation.
- Takeover of a bureaucrats’ den is sometimes the only way to get their attention, as Sparky, George and Rona can attest.
- ADAPTers of all ages join together to call for more community services.
- Karen finds the joy in speaking truth to power.
- JT flies the ADAPT flag high above protest of AHCA convention
- “We will Ride The Dirty Dog” Jennifer, David and Sean chant as the block inaccessible Greyhound from leaving the terminal
- ADAPT of Texas overnight occupation of the Governor’s office for the Community Based Alternative and closure of the State Schools.
- Governor Richards addresses group regarding community services.
- Wayne Spahn, Sparky Metz and Diana Webster at DHS protest for community services
- Fun Runners from many groups joined up on the track.
- Felix and Cathy at the sign in table
- Fun Runner Eric Clow enjoys the beautiful weather as he does his laps at the Austin Fun Run
- Nancy Crowther and another Fun Runner get ready to do their laps on the Yellow Jacket stadium tack
- Bryson Smith was his usual laid back self at the Austin Fun Run this year.