Robin Nanette Jones-Hoffpauir decorated our first wheelchair statue. It got stolen. Paul Beasley built our 10 foot chair so it was too hard to steal. People broke it. Dean Carlton (Belinda Carlton’s Dean) rebuilt it to its former glory. Now Jessi Bostad has emblazoned it with our logo! ADAPT will not be kept down. FREE OUR PEOPLE! WE WILL RIDE! OUR HOMES NOT NURSING HOMES! COMMUNITY ATTENDANTS = INDEPENCE! ACCESS NOT EXCUSES! ACCESSIBLE AFFORDABLE INTEGRATED HOUSING! NOTHING ABOUT US WITHOUT US! ACCESS IS A CIVIL RIGHT!
We are entering the season of disability rights. One of them anyway. June 22nd marks the 23rd anniversary of the Olmstead decision where the supreme court said people with disabilities have the right to services in the most integrated setting. Thank you Lois Curtis and Elaine Wilson (the plaintiffs). And just one month later, July 26th, is the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We haven’t made it all the way but we need to celebrate how far we have come.