ADAPT Hosts REV UP Event for Disability Voting Rights Week

REV UP members and Austin ADAPT members joined together to celebrate disability voting rights week. Travis County Tax Assessor Collector and head of voter registration for our county was in attendance as well. Those who were voters shared why voting was important to them and up and coming voters registered and shared why they wanted to vote.

Gulf Coast ADAPT’s Lydia Nunez participated in several events around Harris County and registered voters at the Disability Expo in Houston.

REV UP Texas is part of a lawsuit that will go to trial next week challenging some of the disability voter suppression laws passed by the Texas Legislature recently..

Picture of the Austin group holding signs about why they vote, Behind them is a REV UP banner

Austin folks show their signs telling why voting is important to them.

Photo: Cathy Cranston.


Starbucks learns how to apologize & Starbucks learned how to write a letter

After almost a year, Starbucks finally wrote a letter of apology for kicking our member out of their store for looking like someone else in a wheelchair. The process was excruciatingly slow and wound up involving international legal assistance (I kid you not!) Several half hearted attempts were rejected but finally the coffee giant got off it’s butt and wrote a letter of apology. No one could explain why this was so difficult, why they spent months lying about the reason he was kicked out, but there it is. Let’s hope they can remember this simple lesson next time they discriminate.

Starbucks Saga continues

Starbucks now has engaged an international law firm to communicate about this letter of apology. How hard can it be to write a letter? Only Starbucks knows for sure.

Here is a survey to share your experience with the coffee company. Your response to the survey is much appreciated.
click here for survey

Starbucks in El Paso agrees to demands while in Austin 🙄

Desert ADAPT members in front of El Paso Starbucks

Today ADAPT of Texas and Desert ADAPT protested at Starbucks because of their disabilityDesert ADAPT members in front of El Paso Starbucks discrimination. Amazingly, the regional manager refuses to write a simple letter of apology and send their policy against discrimination based on disability.
In El Paso the local manager was a reasonable human being, and the crack troops of Desert ADAPT fairly quickly negotiated for him write to the Regional Manager Tim Klein asking for the letter. In Austin they continued with their sanctimonious stonewalling. “We already said we were sorry” the district manager Susan snipped, as if after throwing someone out for absolutely no reason we should be grateful for whatever crumbs they deigned to toss in our direction.
Add your message to Klein that just because they are dealing with people with disabilities that does not mean any old B’s will do. After all how damn hard is it write a letter?

Austin ADAPT in front of Starbucks in Austin

contact Tim Klein 904-993-8251 or And tell him to stop the discrimination and send the letter.

PACT & ADAPT Rally with domestic workers groups

Domestic workers groups including We Dream in Black, Fe y Justicia, Misma, National Domestic Workers Alliance, AFL-CIO, Restaurant Workers Union, OPEIU, Workers Defense Fund, with the coordination and support of Every Texan, asked PACT and ADAPT to join their rally for better wages and benefits for direct care workers and more. Others spoke movingly about domestic workers, child care and nanny’s, housekeepers and other domestics workers some of whom had been paid as low as $2 per hour. PACT organizer Cathy Cranston showed her beautiful passion as she spoke about our decades long battle to raise Medicaid attendants wages.

the House and Senate have passed their budgets and now are in conference committee to finalize the budget for the state for 2024 through 2025. We are supporting the Senate version because it raises attendant wages over 40%. It’s not $15 per hour but it will still be a huge jump for the millions of attendants in Texas. Call your legislators and tell them this is a critical raise or we won’t have attendants at all in 2 years; after all we a facing a crisis right now!

It is ironic that the same legislators who are crowing about this significant wage hike are the same ones who have kept the wages so depressed for so long. None the less it is important we all let our legislators know we support the Senate version of the budget for our issue. Let them hear from you!


picture of a crossword type puzzle. Headline reads Why on earth?! It's a puzzle why they won't rai$e it!

Words on puzzle are To Community Attendants Equal Raise It Independence Be Free Need

Below are ADAPT and PACT logos and the words Raise it to $15. Our lives depend on it. For more info contact Cathy Cranston 512- 650-6543; Nancy Crowther 512-808-7486

Good Afternoon ADAPT Members, Disability Rights Advocates, Supporters of Disability Rights and Community Attendant Rights for Wage Justice,

We realize you have called before but we need you to call again.  The Budget Bill has now passed on the Senate side.  Now the bill will go to Conference Committee.

There will be members from the House and Senate on the Conference Committee.  It is so important that we keep the pressure up on the key point legislators.   They will make the decision on what goes forward.

Now is the time to continue pressure on the State Legislative Decision Makers.  We are headed in the right direction with the wage, but we must continue pushing them to a $15/hour base wage.



Senate Finance Chairwoman Huffman at: 512-463-0117

Senator Kolkhorst, Article 2, at 512-463-0118

House Appropriations Chairman Bonnen at 512-463-0729

Representative Jacey Jetton, Article 2, at 512-463-0710

House Speaker Phelan, 512-463-1000

Lt. Governor Patrick, 512-463-0001

Call & Ask for their Budget Person & Tell Them to Raise the Base Wage for Community Attendants to $15/HR. Nothing Less Will Do!

If you have any questions, please contact Cathy or Nancy Crowther

Thank you.

Free Our People!

Community Attendants Equal Independence!

Cathy Cranston and Nancy Crowther

ADAPT of Texas/Personal Attendant Coalition of Texas

1100 S. IH 35

Austin, TX 78704

O# 512.442.0252


ADAPT Members, Disability Rights Advocates, Supporters of Disability Rights and Community Attendant Rights for Wage Justice,

Call NOW!!

Now is the time to continue pressure on the State Legislative Decision Makers.  We are headed in the right direction with the wage, but we must continue pushing them to a $15/hour base wage.

telephone receiver with noise lines


Senate Finance Chairwoman Huffman: 512-463-0117

Senator Kolkhorst, Article 2, at 512-463-0118

House Appropriations Chairman Bonnen at 512-463-0729

Representative Jacey Jetton, Article 2, at 512-463-0710

Call & Ask for the Budget Person & Tell Them to Raise the Base Wage for Community Attendants to $15/HR. 

Man raising fist and yelling into phone

Nothing less will do!

If you have any questions, please contact Cathy at

or Nancy Crowther at

Thank you. Free Our People!

Community Attendants Equal Independence!

Cathy Cranston and Nancy Crowther

ADAPT of Texas/Personal Attendant Coalition of Texas

1100 S. IH 35

Austin, TX 78704

O# 512.442.0252

Dial phone with face looking fried as receiver rings off the hook.

Don’t forget! Call today!


Protest flyer with picture of Starbucks mermaid crossing her arms across her chest and yelling “disabled people get out!”

There’s no safety here for disabled people.

All disabled people do not look alike. We are not all the same.

WHAT DO WE WANT? We want a proper letter, on letterhead, and signed by Mr. Klein, apologizing for Starbucks kicking our member out of their store for no reason.
we want a written policy from Starbucks of non-discrimination against people with disabilities.




Our member was told to get out of this store (15th & San Antonio, Austin TX) because someone else in a wheelchair made a ruckus 5 months earlier.

contact Tim Klein, Regional Director 904-993-8251 and tell him to stop the discrimination, write the letter and get & enforce a policy on non-discrimination.


Guy in a wheelchair lassoing state of Texas

ADAPT OF TEXAS NEEDS YOU!• Are there disability-related issues in your community that you would like to address?  â€˘ Do you want to learn how to ignite the fire inside and become an activist for disability rights?  â€˘ Want to learn how to get others together to hold those in power accountable? â€˘ Want to create REAL CHANGE for people with disabilities in your community?  

If you want to make change happen, then join us at the ADAPT of Texas information session on March 23, 2023 at 7pm CT6pm MNT

Learn about the work ADAPT of Texas is doing to improve the lives of people with disabilities across the state and how you can get involved.   

Learn about the work ADAPT of Texas is doing to improve the lives of people with disabilities across the state and how you can get involved.  

Don’t mourn…….


If you are interested in participating, please JOIN US ON ZOOM and for more information you can contact Josue (915)449-3834,  or Lydia (832)630-8419, We look forward to working with you to Free Our People