Cool Publication Has Issue on Disability (look for ADAPT!)

Check out this e-magazine BorderLore. As I understand it, the e-magazine is about border culture and this issue is about disability culture. It’s called Cripping BorderLore. The editor Alisha Vasquez contacted me about using a picture from the ADAPT Online Museum and that’s how I learned about it. Click on this link to see the e-magazine! (Alisha will be a guest on Barrier Free Futures Radioshow this Saturday June 11 and as will all BFF shows it becomes a postcast afterwards.


Desert scene with sparse plants and roots underground and hand sticking finger in dirt and "is it accessible" written on arm.
Painting by Naomi Ortiz that is part of the Borderlore cover for Cripping Borderlore.
Man in motorized wheelchair in the background and pile of books in the foreground.
Raul Pizzaro talks about his paintings.