Desert ADAPT Sparks Call to Pay Attendants Fully and On Time

Recently ADAPT and PACT have been hearing about attendants who are not getting paid, or at least not getting paid on time. This is not cool, especially for attendants who – for the most part – are not paid well to begin with.

Desert ADAPT and PACT, our brothers and sisters in El Paso, have taken this issue on with some of the worst offending agencies.

Attendants already make very low wages and don’t have the leeway to ride out a delay in pay, and this affects not only them but the folks with disabilities and seniors they serve.

Health and Human Services Commission, HHSC, is the state agency that oversees attendant services programs and needs to back up the workers. There are Texas Pay Day laws and state agencies policies that not paying someone violates.

It turns out there is a toll free number to HHSC where people who are having these kinds of problems can call to report them. The number is 800-458-9858. If you know of such a situation call it in. But also call PACT Organizer Cathy Cranston 512-442-0252 so we can support your efforts too.