Disability Voter Registration Week

This week is disability voter registration week (which of course is really pretty much year round.) The disability voting project REV UP Texas and Register 2 Vote have made a handy tool for you!

If you aren’t registered to vote, or you need to update information for your voter registration, like if you have moved, use the QR code below or click here and it takes you to a site where you can register to vote or update your info. You will be mailed a stamped, addressed postcard with all your info filled in and you just need to sign it and stick it in the mail. Share with friends, cohorts, etc.

Just point your phone camera at this picture and website pops up!

If you don’t think your vote counts, ask yourself why people are trying to make it harder to vote.

Want to find out more about Registering Educating yourself on the issues Voting and Using your Power? (REV UP Texas) click here.

Nicky Boyte standing with Travis County Commissions holding up 2021 Voter Registration proclamation.
Nicky Boyte joins with Travis County Commissions to receive 2021 Voter Registration proclamation.