Election Day is here! Don’t forget to vote

“Vote as if your life depends on it—because it does!” Justin Dart, Jr., Texan, patriot, father of the ADA

Early voting ran through Feb. 28th and Election Day is March 3rd.  Your vote is needed! Aside from the Presidential primaries, all the members of the US House of Representatives, Senator Cornyn, State Representatives, State Senators, Judges, Sheriffs and more are all up for re-election.  REV UP Texas has information on voting and getting involved. Local elections can have more impact on your life, so don’t forget to go down the whole ballot.  

Want to know the presidential candidates’ positions on disability issues?  You can download that information from this REV UP site.  For more general information and other races, the League of Women voters puts out a voters guide, as do many local papers and community groups.  Vote 411 has info on your personal ballot, so you can plan your voting and get a head start, just click here.  The Texas Secretary of State’s office can help you find your polling place, or your County Clerk’s office can help.