A LOT GOING ON AROUND HERE: Scooters, BIG meeting, Movies, and More

Sick of battling your way through “parked” scooters? Tired of being buzzed by hapless scooter drivers?  COME TO THE TUESDAY ACCESS CLUB. Nov. 5th from 12:30 – 2:00 we are talking about scooters and wheelchair (and other) pedestrian safety.  Did you see a 20 year old wheelchair pedestrian was killed in South Austin last week?  We need your stories and ideas so please come join us! 

FYI The Tuesday Access Club meets at ADAPT office every Tuesday at 5:30 topics vary depending on interest of those who come and campaigns we are working on.

MOVIE NIGHT AT ADAPT November 6 5:30 – 8pm

Our Halloween/Thanksgiving fare? Kills on Wheels – a Hungarian 2017 international award winning action-comedy about teenage hit men in wheelchairs. Since not everyone may read subtitles, we may have audience participation for this event. Refreshments provided.

ADAPT BIG MEETING Nov. 13 3:00 – 5pm

Come learn what happened at the national action in DC. Find out what PACT and Tuesday Access Club have been up to. Get up to date on other ADAPT actions and doings.  


Nov. 20 at 6pm come hear about EVV, Recruitment and retention of attendants, state and national news.  AND share a potluck dinner while you are at it. 

ADAPT Santa Clones Alert!

Wheelchair Santa is just around the corner, so dust off your antlers, and get ready to Rock On (as Freddy would say) at the Armadillo Christmas Bazaar ADAPT table.  Dec. 13 – 24 are the dates.  Sign up early for the best slots!


Desert ADAPT Sparks Call to Pay Attendants Fully and On Time

Recently ADAPT and PACT have been hearing about attendants who are not getting paid, or at least not getting paid on time. This is not cool, especially for attendants who – for the most part – are not paid well to begin with.

Desert ADAPT and PACT, our brothers and sisters in El Paso, have taken this issue on with some of the worst offending agencies.

Attendants already make very low wages and don’t have the leeway to ride out a delay in pay, and this affects not only them but the folks with disabilities and seniors they serve.

Health and Human Services Commission, HHSC, is the state agency that oversees attendant services programs and needs to back up the workers. There are Texas Pay Day laws and state agencies policies that not paying someone violates.

It turns out there is a toll free number to HHSC where people who are having these kinds of problems can call to report them. The number is 800-458-9858. If you know of such a situation call it in. But also call PACT Organizer Cathy Cranston 512-442-0252 so we can support your efforts too.


We are Surveying the Grassroots regarding Attendant Services

PACT and ADAPT are surveying folks regarding their attendant services.  We want to get a better picture from around Texas of what people’s experiences are.  You can be anonymous if you prefer but we want your input!  It’s not long so you will be done quickly.

And we’d appreciate it if you’d share this survey with folks you know as well.

The Social Media link is: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8VW6MQ8

The email link is: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5Z7QHWN

CLICK HERE to take our survey and share your experiences!  


We are out of our chairs on the floor of the Capitol Rotunda


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE​​​​   ​​​Contacts: Nancy Crowther

ATTENTION: MEDIA AND PRESS​​​       ​​​cell 512-808-7486

February 19, 20191:00pm​​​​       ​​David Wittie cell 512-577-8982


Community Members with Disabilities Demonstrate:


A Day Without Community Attendant Assistance


ADAPT and PACT are here at the Capitol today in an urgent call to the state appropriations for attention to a calamity that the state has refused to address: Recruitment and Retaining the Community Attendants

Individuals who depend on Community Attendants to live independently in the community are finding it difficult to recruit and retain Community Attendants at the wage of $8.00 an hour.


“We are calling for $15 an hour wage—RAI$E IT!” said Cathy Cranston, organizer for ADAPT and PACT. “We are here in the Capitol Rotunda to demonstrate what it looks like to not have any Community Attendants and what it means for people with disabilities.” The current base wage is $8 an hour.


Texans with disabilities of all ages who need long term services and supports are facing a crisis in their services.  A growing shortage of direct care workers, Community Attendants, means people with disabilities are without the vital assistance to maintain theircare. Community Attendants perform basic assistance with tasks the person cannot do for themselves, things like dressing, toileting,transferring, bathing and feeding. Without this assistance many people with disabilities cannot function nor live independently in the community, facing potential and costlier institutional assistance costing the state 10 times more than the cost to live in the community.  Yet with the wage of $8.00 an hour, (and NO benefits)it is getting harder and harder to find people to do this critical work.


The extremely low wages the attendants are paid is one of the primary reasons for this shortage. The economics of labor force competition shows that while someone starting work at a fast food restaurant, at Bucees, at Amazon, or any number of other unskilled jobs, will start at $12 to $15 an hour, or more. Texas Community Attendants start at eight dollars an hour.


More and more frequently, people with disabilities are literally having to sleep in their wheelchairs or spend long stretches in bed because no one can come to assist them. This leads to health complications such as pressure sores. After preventable hospitalizations, this can lead to people being forced into nursing homes or sent to rehab hospitals and it can even kill them. These alternatives (aside from death) are exponentially expensive than providing the services they needed in the community in the first place.


ADAPT and PACT believe part of the reason for ignoring this crisis is that people are out of sight of the decision makers.  “We want everyone to see exactly what happens when a person with a disability has no Community Attendant to assist them” said Nancy Crowther.  “We want people to see what being without Community Attendants means in our lives for just one day or over a lifetime.”




“We have done studies, met with bureaucrats, participated in work groups, testified again and again to the Health and Human Services Commission and the Texas Legislature.  We have made videos, interviewed those affected, and done everything we can think of to get this issue addressed” said Cathy Cranston, PACT organizer.


Community Attendants are human beings.  We have families and real lives.  We care about our clients, but we must live as well and we deserve to be treated fairly” said Kika Grajeda, PACT organizer.


“I think my life is worth more than a hamburger, a tank of gas or some packing peanuts” added Josue Rodriguez. “Not paying Community Attendants what they are worth means people with disabilities suffer the consequences.  I think Texas can do better.”


“The situation is worst for seniors and adults with disabilities, from ventilator-users, to quadriplegics, to people with dementia or stroke.Community Attendants in these programs earn less than those who work for people who work in other programs even though they are doing the same tasks for the person.” Bob Kafka of ADAPT added.  It is time to raise ALL wage$ to $15. Equal Pay for Equal Work.”




ADAPT of Texas/Personal Attendant Coalition of Texas (PACT) * 1100 S. IH35*Austin, TX 78704* 512-442-0252*     Fax: 512-906-1166* ADAPTOFTEXAS.org* Personal Attendant Coalition of Texas (PACT) Cathy Cranston* flacacata@aol.com*   Nancy Crowther* ncrowther21@gmail.com * www.adaptoftexas.or


  • Press Advisory

For more information, contact: Nancy Crowther 512-808-7486, ncrowther21@gmail.com or David Wittie 512-577-8982, davidwittie@yahoo.com





ADAPT of Texas and the Personal Attendant Coalition of Texas, PACT, will hold a press conference at 1:45 pm in the Capitol Rotunda Tuesday February 19, 2019.

ADAPT and PACT will be addressing the impact of:

The state’s neglect of the problem of a growing lack of community attendants,
The wage rate for community attendants which is about half that of fast food workers, box packers and convenience store clerks,
The complete lack of benefits for community attendants including NO sick leave or holidays,
The state’s abject failure to address recruitment or retention of community attendants,
The state’s near total disregard for the impact of this shortage on disabled people’s lives and health.




David Wittie sits in his wheelchair in a huge cardboard box. He is wearing his accessible, affordable, integrated housing ADAPT shirt and behind the box you can see other ADAPT members at the national HUD plaza.

Accessible, affordable, integrated housing was the goal at ADAPT’s 2008 protest at HUD HQ

Tuesday May 8th at 11 am, ADAPT of Texas, as part of the national Our Homes, Our Voices campaign to support affordable housing, will be delivering accessible doors to our local, state and national government folks.  We will meet up at 11 am in front of the  Austin’s Neighborhood Housing and Community Development offices at 1000 East 11th ST and will go on from there! The doors covered with messages about why we support afordable, accessible, integrated housing – but there’s room for you to add your own message too.  

With HUD Secretary Carson wanting to raise rent on folks in Public Housing and add more barriers to push people out cause the waiting lists are so long, we need as many voices as possible. With the state of Texas killing our non-discrimination against people on vouchers city ordinance, we need as many voices as possible. With Austin gentrifying and becoming less affordable by the nano-second, we need as many voices as possible.   So join us!  

Check out the ADAPT of Texas Facebook page for more info… https://www.facebook.com/events/2021852021469370/ 

Want to know more about the national week of action?  Go to Our Homes Our Voices  You can look up other Texas events for this week there too.  And see highlights from last year.

Disabled Activists Call on Health and Human Services to Make Community Integration a Priority

Over 200 activists from the disability rights group ADAPT are gathered at the Health and Human Services Headquarters (HHS) in the Hubert Humphrey Building. The activists are calling on HHS and the Trump Administration to prioritize policies that will ensure the integration and equality of disabled Americans.

“Health and Human services continues to act as though institutional nursing services are their constituents and we are commodities through which the nursing facilities can make their money.”, said Nancy Salandra, organizer from Philadelphia ADAPT. “This has to stop and stop now. We need to be placed in charge of services and supports that will allow us to remain in our own homes and communities. Experience has repeatedly shown that placing us in charge will result in lower per-person costs, so there is no excuse for further delay.”

We are therefore demanding that Tom Price, secretary of HHS:

  • Publicly acknowledge that Disabled Americans who require Long Term Services and Supports have the right to Life and Liberty as guaranteed under the Constitution;
  • Ensure that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services use their authority to require states to implement managed care in a manner that affirmatively promotes community living.
  • Work with ADAPT and the National Council on Independent Living to reestablish the Money Follows the Person program as a funding stream for the provision of community transition services.
  • Stop the torture of Disabled Americans by instructing the FDA Administrator to finalize the FDA’s proposed rules banning the use of shocking devices.
  • Publicly recognize that inadequate Medicaid rates have driven down attendant wages and consequently undercut the Life and Liberty of Disabled Americans and utilize HHS’s authority to assure that state Medicaid rates are sufficient to secure the workforce needed for community integration; and
  • Instruct the HHS Office for Civil Rights to take a stronger role in Olmstead enforcement by requiring states to develop and implement a plan to promote community living and comply with the Olmstead decision.

ADAPT’s history, the issues it is fighting for, and its activities can be found at www.adapt.org, the NationalADAPT Facebook page and on Twitter under the hashtag #ADAPTandRESIST.

ADAPT Demands Senators Graham, Cassidy, Heller and Johnson Withdraw Their Bill Because of It’s Devastating Attacks on the Life and Liberty of Disabled Americans

Morning, 9/26/17 – Washington, D.C. Activists from the disability rights organization ADAPT have gathered outside the offices of  Senators Lindsey Graham, Bill Cassidy, Dean Heller and Ron Johnson to demand that they withdraw the ACA repeal amendment which bears their name. The Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson Amendment cuts Medicaid funding for home and community based services which enable disabled people and seniors to live in the community and lead an independent life.

“This bill is just a worse version of the bill that Americans soundly rejected over the summer,” said Marilee Adamski-Smith. “When Republicans proposed capping Medicaid and allowing states to eliminate protections this summer, those proposals were met with massive protesting from many Americans who do not want Congress to strip the rights of disabled people, seniors, medically fragile children, and poor people.”

Senator Graham had been critical of the summer’s rush to pass the “Better Care Reconciliation Act”, of which the Senator had said on Twitter “A bill – finalized yesterday, has not been scored, amendments not allowed, and 3 hours final debate – should be viewed with caution.” Yet Senator Graham’s own bill, which has been unanimously opposed by the Medicaid Directors of all 50 States, is being considered under an equally hasty and opaque process. Senator Cassidy promised earlier than any final health bill would provide protection for individuals with pre-existing conditions, but Senator Collins has said that her reading of this bill is that it would allow for higher, possibly unaffordable rate increases for persons with pre-existing conditions. Senator Heller earlier voted against similar bills.

“We call on Senators Graham, Cassidy, Heller and Johnson to keep earlier promises and commitments and  to withdraw this amendment which is a disaster for disabled Americans and seniors who rely on Medicaid,” said Vickie Cuscino. “This bill is being pushed through with a false and manufactured urgency and the final product, which will have your names on it, Senators, will cause millions of Americans with disabilities, seniors, and children to die.”

181! Arrested at Protest at the Senate Finance Hearing on latest version of Trumpcare

Disabled Advocates protested inside and outside the Senate Finance Hearing Room to demand that the Senate vote against the Graham-Cassidy amendment to repeal the Affordable Care Act and decimate Medicaid – ADAPT – Free Our People!

Disabled Advocates Are Protesting in the Senate Finance Hearing Room to demand that the Senate vote against the Graham-Cassidy amendment to repeal the Affordable Care Act and decimate Medicaid

9/25/17, Washington, D.C. – Two hundred advocates from National ADAPT are at the Senate Finance Hearing protesting against cuts to Medicaid in the Graham-Cassidy Amendment and the elimination of critical protections afforded persons with disabilities in the Affordable Care Act. The Amendment, which is the latest attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act, includes block granting Medicaid funding to the states, which will result in devastating cuts to Medicaid. When their backs are up against a financial wall, many states have threatened a return to the days of warehousing people with disabilities.

“Graham-Cassidy is the worst bill yet that Republicans have come up with to repeal Obamacare. This wasn’t what they campaigned on; they didn’t campaign to strip away the services that disabled people and seniors rely on to live in the community,” said Bruce Darling, an organizer with ADAPT. “They campaigned on fixing Obamacare and I don’t understand why they continue to target our community with cuts that will steal disabled lives instead of actually fixing anything.”

ADAPT has worked for decades to expand the availability of home and community based services as the first option for disabled people, rather than institutionalization. Despite years of effort, Medicaid home and community based services remain optional for states, while institutionalization is a mandatory Medicaid service in every state. Cuts to Medicaid funding will fall first and hardest on community based services, forcing disabled people into institutions which will be underfunded hives of abuse, neglect, and human misery.

“The cuts to Medicaid funding are cruel and un-American,” said Dawn Russell, organizer from Denver Colorado. “Forcing disabled people and seniors into institutions just to pay for tax cuts, which is what this bill does, is not equality. It’s not liberty. Graham-Cassidy is a policy for a much crueler and meaner country than this one, and the people who support it should be ashamed of themselves.”

Danny and HeiwaADAPT’s history, the issues it is fighting for, and its activities can be found at www.adapt.org, the NationalADAPT Facebook page and on Twitter under the hashtag #ADAPTandRESIST.